Honors & Awards

  • 2023, First Prize in CSIG Natural Science Award (Ranked 1 in the awardee list)
  • 2022, Second Prize in CAAI Wu Wenjun AI Technological Progress Award (Ranked 4 in the awardee list)
  • 2022, Zhejiang Province Technological Invention Award (Ranked 4 in the awardee list)
  • 2022, Beijing Mao Yisheng Science and Technology Award
  • 2020, CSIG Shi Qingyun Young Female Scientist Award
  • 2020, First Prize in CAAI Wu Wenjun AI Natural Sciences Award (Ranked 3 in the awardee list)
  • 2018, ACM CHINA SIGMM Rising Star
  • 2018, CAAI Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Excellent Youth Award
  • 2018, Member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2018, CAAI Best Youth Achievement Award
  • 2015, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of CAAI
  • 2014, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation nomination of CCF
  • 2014, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2013, President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2016, Youth Star of IIE, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2018, Runner-up in VisDrone challenge in ECCV’18
  • 2018, Best Demo Runner-up in ICMR’18
  • 2017, Outstanding Reviewer in PCM’17
  • 2018, IEEE Senior Member
  • 2018, CSIG Senior Member
  • 2018, CCF Senior Member